At a toy library you can borrow from a vast array of well-made toys that have been designed to support your child’s skill development and imagination. Toy libraries aim to support families and encourage togetherness with quality time spent playing with children.
Toy libraries vary from library to library. They may be located in the local scout hall or within the municipal library; have 20 member families or 1200; employ a staff member or rely solely on their members doing roster duty.
Toy libraries do have some fundamental characteristics, they:
Provide quality educational items for loan.
Are inexpensive (usually an annual subscription is charged).
Principally cater for younger children.
Have a range of items covering all stages of growth and development.
Provide an opportunity to meet other caregivers to share concerns, interact with others and make new friends.
Help parents and carers learn about the ages and stages of child development.
Usually open on set days and hours.
Check out our video below for more details.
borrow from hundreds of quality toys
expose your child to a greater range of play experiences
contribute to your child's development
save money by borrowing toys each week rather than buying
hire party toys at great prices
reduce clutter by borrowing large toys such as bikes, scooters, kitchens, basketball hoops and slides
reduce toy waste to landfill
meet other local parents
learn about ages and stages of play and development
contribute to your local community
Play is how children learn and making it fun is nature's way of ensuring children get lots and lots of practice. Even tiny babies play, practising moving their hands or sucking their toes which helps them learn to control their bodies. The games children play are directly linked to the needs of the growing body and mind. Children's play has been closely studied by child psychologists who have catalogued the pattern of development of skills and abilities from birth.
If play is a child's work then they must also have the tools for their trade. Toys are tools that help a child to enjoy play.
Quality Toys:
Will promote 'good' play by aiding in the development, education and imaginative capacity of the child, and form in the child the ability to share and co-operate with other children.
Are well designed and constructed.
Are durable and safe.

* Banner photo on this page courtesy Samantha Gravell